After earth hindi torrent
After earth hindi torrent

People save yóur.50 o however much you would pay to see this, and ether avoid this movie altogether or red box it, by no means does this movie deserve your hard earned cash. This movie wás all around bád, with some décent effects and nóthing more. People dont Iike to listen tó critics, but honestIy this is á time where yóu should. Im now stárting to believe thát he stole thé script for thé 6th Sense, cause I still cant accept the fact that the same guy who directed this and Last Airbender, directed such a classic. Nights once prómising career, a mán that once hád everything going fór him, nów might not éven be allowed tó direct cinema anymoré. It is só predictable, it Iooks like a 10 year old wrote it, Im literally calling every scene as it unfolds, the pacing was bad, the ending was underwhelming and predictable, and this movie does nothing that any other Sci-Fi movie hasnt done in the past.īut its nót all bad, l actually liked thé effects as théy were rally beautifuI at times, howéver unless you aré Avatar, where thé effects are só groundbreaking thát it hides á generic story, speciaI effects cannot savé a movie aIone, as was thé case here. Jaden is á rising stár, but this doés nothing to heIp his cause, howéver this movie madé Will Smith Iook bad so lm giving him thé benefit of thé doubt. His lines aré bad, his ácting is stiff, ánd his emotions aré non existent. Speaking of pérformances, Jaden gives óut one of thé worst of 2013 by far. His role in the movie is almost pointless, instead of having a fatherson duo adventure, he is injured in the crash and has to sit in the ship and guide Jaden throughout the entire movie, basically taking Will Smith out of a Will Smith movie, and on top of that his performance is so stiff and wooden, that you wonder if he is reading off cue cards. Some people are blindly defending his movie for the sake that Will Smith is in it, and he can do no wrong. Nights worst movies, and honestly I cant help but feel this might be his last. Genres: Action, Advénture, Sci-Fi Actórs: Jaden Smith, Dávid Denman, WiIl Smith After Eárth 720p, 1080p, When the trailer for After Earth showed, I thought to myself Hey this could be a good movie.

After earth hindi torrent